CAPLINQ Services Overview

Always focused on help­ing our clients to reach suc­cess, CAPLINQ is proud to present our ser­vices overview that can make your busi­ness big­ger, increase your sales and take your brand to a new lev­el of awareness.

Order Fulfillment: Create a European presence without requiring a European entity


CAPLIN­Q’s order ful­fill­ment ser­vice gives your com­pa­ny a dis­tinct­ly Euro­pean pres­ence and puts you on a lev­el play­ing field with Euro­pean sup­pli­ers with­out the has­sle and expense of set­ting up a Euro­pean company.

There is a lot more to CAPLIN­Q’s order ful­fill­ment ser­vice than sim­ply a logis­tics sup­ply chain into Europe. Though logis­tics and sup­ply chain ser­vices are impor­tant ele­ments, our order ful­fill­ment ser­vice is more about mak­ing your com­pa­ny look, act and feel like a Euro­pean company.

Learn more about our order ful­fill­ment Europe ser­vice.

Fiscal Representation: Use the same tools and techniques multinationals use to save money

CAPLIN­Q’s order ful­fill­ment ser­vice allows you to use the same tech­niques and legal strate­gies that multi­na­tion­als use to import goods into Europe and serve their Euro­pean customers.

Multinationals have advantages over small foreign companies, they:

  • Treat for­eign enti­ties as fac­to­ries and import against man­u­fac­tur­ing costs
  • Tax-defer sales to their cus­tomers, defer­ring VAT as high as 27%
  • Ware­house in bond­ed ware­hous­es to delay import

Technical Representation: an extension of your sales organization

CAPLINQ has a staff of tech­ni­cal engi­neers and tech­ni­cal ser­vice rep­re­sen­ta­tives that ser­vice cus­tomers in their own time­zone and at their own premis­es to under­stand their needs and requirements.

CAPLINQ is not a traditional agent or distributor

CAPLIN­Q’s tech­ni­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tion ser­vice is a cus­tomized ser­vice that acts as a seam­less exten­sion of your orga­ni­za­tion. What does that mean? That’s up to you to decide! Do you want a ded­i­cat­ed con­tact per­son in Europe? Ok. Do you just want some­one a tech­ni­cal per­son to pick up the phone when your cus­tomers call? Sure.Want to hire some­one local­ly and have the resource man­aged by us? We do that too. Sim­ply want to pub­lish a local Euro­pean sales office on your web­site? Cool.

Learn more abouttech­ni­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tion ser­vice.

Technical Marketing


CAPLINQ tech­ni­cal mar­ket­ing ser­vice intro­duces our tech­ni­cal mar­ket­ing team, focused on trans­lat­ing high­ly tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion into visu­als and text to engage with the your cus­tomers in layman’s terms.

Complex concepts into visuals and text

Lead by engi­neers who under­stand that com­plex con­cepts need to be bro­ken down into sim­ple terms, our tech­ni­cal mar­ket­ing team is ready to get your prod­ucts noticed.

These key terms are then trans­lat­ed into com­pelling visu­als and text to engage with the cus­tomer. This page and the words you are read­ing are exam­ples of what our tech­ni­cal experts do.

Learn more about our tech­ni­cal mar­ket­ing ser­vice.

REACH Only Representation

REACH Is an Euro­pean reg­u­la­tion whose goal is to have a clear pic­ture of the types and quan­ti­ties of chem­i­cal sub­stances that are man­u­fac­tured or import­ed into the Euro­pean Union. REACH means: Reg­is­tra­tion, Eval­u­a­tion, Autho­riza­tion and Restric­tion of Chem­i­cals. And, requires all chem­i­cals that are import­ed into the Euro­pean mar­ket to be reg­is­tered with the Euro­pean Chem­i­cals Agency. (ECHA)

Who does REACH concern?

REACH con­cerns all man­u­fac­tur­ers of chem­i­cal sub­stances who wish to import or sell these sub­stances to Euro­pean cus­tomers. This includes for­eign man­u­fac­tur­ers, but it also affects Euro­pean man­u­fac­tur­ers who wish to sell to their Euro­pean customers.

Learn more about REACH and our REACH Only Rep­re­sen­ta­tive service.


CAPLINQ is a spe­cial­ty chem­i­cals, plas­tics and prod­ucts com­pa­ny that spe­cial­izes in mak­ing for­eign com­pa­nies com­pete on a lev­el play­ing field with Euro­pean sup­pli­ers. Using dig­i­tal-age tools and the same legal tech­niques multi­na­tion­als use, we cre­ate a Euro­pean pres­ence for for­eign com­pa­nies with­out them requir­ing to set up a Euro­pean enti­ty. We do this with four pri­ma­ry ser­vices: our order ful­fill­ment Europe ser­vice, our tech­ni­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tion ser­vice, our tech­ni­cal mar­ket­ing ser­vice and our REACH Only Rep­re­sen­ta­tive service.

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