LINQSOL EMC-7142 | Black Epoxy Mold Compound

Harmonization Code : 3907.30.00.90 |   Polyacetals, other polyethers and epoxide resins, in primary forms; polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl esters and other polyesters, in primary forms : Epoxide resins : Other
Main features
  • Green epoxy molding compound
  • Designed for SOP and QFP
  • Low water absorption, low stress, and excellent moldability

Product Description

LINQSOL EMC-7142 is a green epoxy molding compound series specifically developed for the encapsulation of small outline packages (SOP) and quad flat packages (QFP). Its high spiral flow at 175 °C satisfying the required standards for SOP and QFP molding. LINQSOL EMC-7142 has low modulus that meets low-stress requirements. Additionally, with a UL 94 V-0 flammability rating and low water absorption.

EMC-7142 guarantees strong performance and outstanding reliability. This product is deliberately formulated without the inclusion of substances prohibited by the European Union RoHS and REACH. Previous packages using EMC-7142R met the MSL 1 preconditioning requirements successfully. Overall, LINQSOL EMC-7142 seamlessly integrates advanced material properties, safety compliance, and superior performance to deliver a reliable solution for semiconductor device encapsulation.

LINQSOL EMC-7142 series delivers robust performance and flexibility. Choose from standard (Type S) or low wire sweep (Type L) versions, both qualified in popular package options (SOP8, SOP14, SOP16) and meeting MSL3 requirements. With over 350 shots of moldability, these devices are designed for long-lasting reliability. Higher reliability variants (EMC-7142 and EMC-7142 Type H) are currently under development and evaluation.

Key Features

  • Good moldability performance.
  • Good flowability without wire sweep.
  • Good adhesion performance on Cu/Ag leadframe.
  • Good reliability performance on SOP package.
  • Low water absorption to meet MSL3 to MSL 1 requirements. 
  • Meets UL94 V-0 flammability. 
  • Green material without Br/Sb in compliance with ROHS.

Available Versions

  • EMC-7142 (Standard)
  • EMC-7142 Type L (Low Stress)
  • EMC-7142 Type R (MSL 1 Capable)
  • EMC-7142 Type H (High Voltage up to 900V Packages)
Product Family
4.3 gr
14 mm
15kg box

Catalog Product

Unlike other products we offer, the products listed on this page cannot currently be ordered directly from the website.
Shipping in 6 - 8 weeks Shipping in 6 - 8 weeks Shipping in 6 - 8 weeks

Technical Specifications

General Properties
The color
Filler Content 87 %
Specific Gravity
Specific Gravity
Specific gravity (SG) is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference substance; equivalently, it is the ratio of the mass of a substance to the mass of a reference substance for the same given volume.

For liquids, the reference substance is almost always water (1), while for gases, it is air (1.18) at room temperature. Specific gravity is unitless.
Shelf Life
Shelf Life
Shelf life is the amount of time after manufacturing that a product is guaranteed to retain its properties.

It differs vastly per product and it is based on temperature and storage conditions.

The properties can be guaranteed for the temperature and time range indicated on the TDS since those are the ones tested to be the best for the product.
Shelf Life @ 5°C 183 days
Physical Properties
Spiral Flow @ 175°C 116 cm
Chemical Properties
Ionic Content
Chloride (Cl-)
Chloride (Cl-)
The amount of Chloride (Cl-) ion extracted from the product in parts per million (ppm)
15 ppm
Sodium (Na+)
Sodium (Na+)
The amount of Sodium (Na+) ion extracted from the product in parts per million (ppm)
15 ppm
Water Absorption 0.3 %
Electrical Properties
Water Extract Data
Water Extract Data
Water Extract Data, 20hrs water boil
Conductivity 0.018000000000000002 mmhos/cm
Mechanical Properties
Flexural Modulus
Flexural Modulus @ 25°C 24500 N/mm2
Flexural Strength
Flexural Strength @ 25°C
Flexural Strength @ 25°C
Flexural strength, also known as modulus of rupture, or bend strength, or transverse rupture strength is a material property, defined as the stress in a material just before it yields in a flexure test. This is the flexural strength tested at Room Temperature, 25°C
150 N/mm2
Water Extract Data
Water Extract Data
Water Extract Data, 20hrs water boil
pH of extract 6.5
Shear strength
Tab Pull Adhesion Strength on Ag (MSL3) 4.61 MPa
Tab Pull Adhesion Strength on Cu (MSL3) 4.12 MPa
Thermal Properties
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE)
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE)
CTE (Coefficient of thermal expansion) is a material property that is indicative of the extent to which a material expands with a change in temperature. This can be a change in length, area or volume, depending on the material.

Knowing the CTE of the layers is helpful in analyzing stresses that might occur when a
system consists of an adhesive plus some other solid component.
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE), α1
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE), α1
CTE α1 (alpha 1) is the slope of the Coefficient of thermal expansion in a temperature range below the Glass transition temperature (Tg).

It explains how much a material will expand until it reaches Tg.
8 ppm/°C
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE), α2
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE), α2
CTE α2 (alpha 2) is the slope of the Coefficient of thermal expansion in a temperature range above the Glass transition temperature (Tg).

It explains the extent to which a material will expand after it passes Tg.
38 ppm/°C
Gel Time
Gel Time
Gel time is the time it takes for a material to reach such a high viscosity (gel like) that it is no longer workable.

It is usually measured for different temperature conditions and even though it does not refer to full cure it is advisable to never move or manipulate the material after it reached its gel time since it can lose its desired end properties.
Gel Time @ 175°C / 347°F 29 s
Glass Transition Temperature (Tg)
Glass Transition Temperature (Tg)
The glass transition temperature for organic adhesives is a temperature region where the polymers change from glassy and brittle to soft and rubbery. Increasing the temperature further continues the softening process as the viscosity drops too. Temperatures between the glass transition temperature and below the decomposition point of the adhesive are the best region for bonding.

The glass-transition temperature Tg of a material characterizes the range of temperatures over which this glass transition occurs.
123 °C
UL 94 Rating
UL 94 Rating
Flammability rating classification.
It determines how fast a material burns or extinguishes once it is ignited.

HB: slow burning on a horizontal specimen; burning rate less than 76 mm/min for thickness less than 3 mm or burning stops before 100 mm
V-2: burning stops within 30 seconds on a vertical specimen; drips of flaming particles are allowed.
V-1: burning stops within 30 seconds on a vertical specimen; drips of particles allowed as long as they are not inflamed.
V-0: burning stops within 10 seconds on a vertical specimen; drips of particles allowed as long as they are not inflamed.
5VB: burning stops within 60 seconds on a vertical specimen; no drips allowed; plaque specimens may develop a hole.
5VA: burning stops within 60 seconds on a vertical specimen; no drips allowed; plaque specimens may not develop a hole
Curing Conditions
Curing Schedule
Curing Schedule
Curing schedule is the time and temperature required for a mixed material to fully cure. While this applies to materials that cure with heat, there are also other materials that can be cured with UV.

Even though some materials can cure on ambient temperatures, others will require elevated temperature conditions to properly cure.

There are various curing schedules depending on the material type and application. For heat curing, the most common ones are Snap cure, Low temperature cure, Step cure and Staged cure.

Recommended cure type, schedule, time and temperature can always be found on the Technical data sheets.
Curing Time @ 175°C / 347°F 90–120 s
Mold Temperature 170–180 °C
Post Mold Cure
Post Mold Cure @ 175°C / 347°F 4–6 hrs
Transfer Pressure 40–90 kg/cm2
Transfer Time 10–35 s

Additional Information

LINQSOL EMC 7142 Series Property Comparison

Resin Type - MAR + Low Stress MAR MAR MAR + New
Filler Type - Spherical Spherical Spherical Spherical
Filler Content % 87 87 88 88
Specific Gravity  - 2.0 1.99 2.0 2.0
Spiral Flow @175°C cm 116 119.4 90 101.6
Hot Plate Gel Time @175°C sec 29 27 30 28
Glass Transition Temperature °C 123 127 122 128

CTE 1, α1

CTE 2, α2











Flexural Strength @25°C

Flexural Modulus @25°C











 Dielectric Strenght  KV/mm 13 13  14  14
Water Absorption % 0.15 0.3 0.18 0.26

Adhesion Strength at Cu substrate after Post Mold Cure
Adhesion Strength at Ni substrate after Post Mold Cure

Adhesion Strength at Cu substrate after MSL3 Preconditioning
Adhesion Strength at Ag substrate after MSL3 Preconditioning
Adhesion Strength at Ni substrate after MSL1 Preconditioning











Comments   STD/MSL3 Lower wire sweep MSL 1 High Voltage up to 900V Packages

LINQSOL EMC-7142 Reliability Test Results for Small Outline Packages (SOP)

Device Information

Package Type 8SOP-225
Epoxy XXX1076XX
Leadframe 8SOP-225 (90 × 90); 8 × 32 SLF Cu
Wire 0.9 mm HS-RF2
Epoxy Mold Compound LINQSOL EMC-7142 (14 mm, 3.4 g)


Test Conditions

Test Item





Bake (125 °C)

Soak (30 °C, 60% RH)

Reflow (260±5 °C)

24 h

192 h

3 times

90 each


–65 to 150 °C

500 cycles

45 each


121 °C, 100% RH, 2 atm

96/168 h

45 each


150 °C

1008 h

45 each


Reflow Profile


Profile Feature

Condition/ Duration


Minimum Temperature (Tsmin)
Maximum Temperature (Tsmax)
Time (ts) from Tsmin to Tsmax

150 °C
200 °C
60–120 s


Ramp-up Rate (TL to TP)

3 °C/s (maximum)


Liquidus Temperature (TL)
Time (tL) maintained above TL

217 °C
60–150 s


Peak Package Body Temperature (TP)

260±5 °C


Time (tp) within 5 °C of the Specified Classification Temperature (TC)

30 s


Ramp-down rate (TP to TL)

6 °C/s (maximum)


Time 25 °C to Peak Temperature

8 min maximum


Scanning Acoustic Tomography Results 

Test Item SAT Result (Fail Units/Total Units)
Test Result
  Top Chip Top Leadframe Pad Inner Lead  
Before 0/30 0/30 0/30 PASS
After MSL3 0/30 0/30 0/30 PASS


Scanning Acoustic Tomography Images

Test Item
Pre-conditioning Before EMC7142SATReliabiltyImage_before
After EMC7142SATReliabiltyImage_after


Conclusion on EMC7142 Reliability Test Performance

All 8SOP-225 devices passed the reliability test without any failure. 


Test Item




Test Result






TC (500 Cycles)





PCT (96 h)





PCT (168 h)





HTS (1008 h)






LINQSOL EMC-7142 Moldability Test Results

Beta Site (G) Performace of EMC-7142

Device Information

Package Type SOP8(12R)
Epoxy Mold Compound (EMC) EMC-7142
Die Size 0.56*0.405 mm
Die Thickness 300±20 μm
Pad Size 62*62 μm
Pad Pitch 80 μm
Lead Frame Silver Plated Copper
Wire 0.8mil/Cu20μm


Continuous Molding using EMC-7142 on SOP8

Molding Shot SAT Images Remarks
First mold MoldabilityofEMC-7142Shot#1 PASS
100th MoldabilityofEMC-7142Shot#100 PASS
150th MoldabilityofEMC-7142Shot#150 PASS
200th MoldabilityofEMC-7142Shot#200 PASS
250th MoldabilityofEMC-7142Shot#250 PASS
300th MoldabilityofEMC-7142Shot#300 PASS
330th MoldabilityofEMC-7142Shot#330 PASS
369th MoldabilityofEMC-7142Shot#369 PASS


Reliability Test Results after Continuous Molding using EMC-7142 on SOP8

Test Items Test Conditions SAT Images Results

Preconditioning MSL 3

TCT 200 cycles

Bake: 125°C, 24h
Soak: 60°C, 60%RH, 40h
Reflow: 260°C, 3 times
TCT 200 cycles (-65~200°C)
ReliabilityTestResults afterContinuousMoldingusingEMC-7142 on SOP8 PASS


Beta Site (S) Performace of EMC-7142

Package Type SOP8
Lead Frame Density 8 rows * 32 columns Lead Frame Type Cu with Ag-plating
Mold Type TOWA Y-1 Molding Temp (°C) 175
Preheat Time (sec) 3 T/F Pressure (ton) 1.3
Cure Pressure (ton) 55 T/F Time (sec) 10.2


Scanning Acoustic Tomography Results

No delamination after PMS/MSL3 

Test Item
Pre-conditioning Before SATResultBeforePreconditioningonBetaSite(S)usingEMC7142
After SATResultafterPreconditioningonBetaSite(S)usingEMC7142


Wire Sweep Images

Spec  15%

Left (1.5%) Center (2.2%) Right (1.6%)
EMC7142WireSweepPerformanceLeft EMC7142WireSweepPerformanceCenter EMC7142WireSweepPerformanceRight


Reliability Test Results on Site (S)

Test Item Condition Result
Bake(125°C) 24h,
Soak (30°C, 60%RH) 192h,
Reflow(260 +5/-0°C) 3 times
PCT 121°C, 100%RH, 2atm 0/45
TCT -65°C - 150°C, 500 cycles 0/45
HTS 150°C, 1008h 0/45


LINQSOL EMC-7142 Type L Moldability Test Results

Beta Site (C) Performace of EMC-7142 Type L

Device Information

Package Type SOP16
Lead Frame Density 12 rows * 20 columns Lead Frame Type Cu with Ag-plating
Wire 1.2 mil Molding Temp (°C) 175
Preheat Time (sec) 3 T/F Pressure (ton) 1.3
Cure Pressure (ton) 55 T/F Time (sec) 10.2


Scanning Acoustic Tomography Results using EMC-7142 Type L

No delamination after PMS/MSL3 

Test Item
Pre-conditioning Before SATResultbeforePreconditioningonBetaSite(C)usingEMC7142TypeL
After SATResultafterPreconditioningonBetaSite(C)usingEMC7142TypeL


Wire Sweep Images using EMC-7142 Type L

Spec  10%

Left (1.5%) Right (1.6%)
EMC7142TypeLWireSweepPerformance1 EMC7142TypeLWireSweepPerformance2


Beta Site (G) Performace of EMC-7142 Type L

Device Information

Package Type SOP14(12R)
EMC EMC-7142 Type L
Die Size 0.43*0.43 mm
Die Thickness 300±20 μm
Pad Size 62*62 μm
Lead Frame Silver Plated Copper
Wire 0.8mil/Cu20μm
Preconditioning MSL3 + TCT 200 cycles


Continuous Molding using EMC-7142 Type L  on SOP14

Molding Shot SAT Images Remarks
10th MoldabilityofEMC-7142TypeLShot#10 PASS
150th MoldabilityofEMC-7142TypeLShot#150 PASS
284th MoldabilityofEMC-7142TypeLShot#284 PASS
350th MoldabilityofEMC-7142TypeLShot#350 PASS

Reliability Test Results after Continuous Molding using EMC-7142 Type L on SOP14

Test Item Condition SAT Images Result

Preconditioning MSL 3


TCT 200 cycles


Bake: 125°C, 24h; 

Soak: 60°C, 60% RH, 40h;

Reflow: 260°C, 3 times

TC 200 cycles (-65°C to 200°C)



Processing Instructions

  • Before use, let LINQSOL EMC-7142 reach room temperature for 24 hours. Keep the bag unopened and stored in a dry location with a relative humidity of ≤50% during thawing to prevent moisture contamination. 

  • Use the materials within 72 hours after removing the container from cold storage.

Storage and Handling

LINQSOL EMC-7142 is available in pressed pellets in a wide range of sizes to meet specific customer needs. To ensure product integrity, keep it away from oxidizing materials. For long-term storage, maintain a cold environment. The shelf life when stored below 5 °C is 183 days.



LINQSOL EMC-7142 Reliability Test Results

The presentation above shows the reliability performance of EMC-7142 evaluated using an 8SOP-225 package.

LINQSOL EMC-7142 Moldability Test Results

The presentation above shows the moldability performance of EMC-7142 evaluated using an SOP(12R) package. 

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