REACH, SVHC & RoHS Testing Services
REACH Testing ultimately falls into one of two caterories: a Technical dossier for REACH Registrations or chemical analysis testing to determine the types and quantities of ingredients in a chemical substance.
The entire goal of the European REACH program is to understand the and minimize the potential risks of the chemicals being imported and used in Europe. An important element of this is the analysis of the chemical substance in question. Analysis requires testing, and so here we are. So what exactly is involved in REACH testing services and what are the costs involved? Read on to learn more.
There are two aspects of any chemical substance that requires tests. The first is the analysis of the chemical substance itself to understand the potential risks or hazards associated wih handling the chemical. This is the REACH technical dossier testing. The second is testing of chemical substances themselves to see if and how much of the potentially hazardous materials they contain. This is SVHC Testing.
REACH Technical Dossier Testing
Chemical substance manufacturers, and/or those that import the chemicals into Europe have to create a technical dossier that summarizes all the existing information on the chemical suibstance. indluding how it's made, what it's uses are and the potential exposure.
The technical REACH dossier includes:- Information about the kind of substance it is
- How the chemical substance is made and used
- How the chemical substance shoudl be classified and labelled
- How to use the chemical safely
- Recommendations if the chemical subtance should be tested further
- A detailed summary of the chemical substances basic properties
Furthermore, if the chemical substance is to be registered for volumes between 1-10 tonnes, then there is also information in the REACH technical dossier about the exposure. This includes the mains use category, the types of usage and the significant exposure routes.
REACH, SVHC and RoHS Testing
As a specialty chemicals supplier, we have a long history of testing chemicals and chemical substances. As a business, we have also always looked to see how we could get our testing done in the most cost-effective way possible. With our own testing equipment, and our extensive global network of laboratories, we know how to get the best value for your testing services. Furthermore, because of the scale of our business, wea re able to get much more competitive rates at other global laboratories when we are not able to do the work ourselves in house.
Whether we use our own equipment or work with one of our third party laboratories, you can be sure that you are getting REACH testing you want for the best value. Our testing includes environmental, physical, toxicological and analytical. Our laboratories are world-class and testing is carried out by scientists and technicians that are experts in their trade.

The REACH Registration Technical Dossier
Under REACH, it is the chemical substance registrant that is responsible for compiling a registration technical dossier. CAPLINQ can do this for you.
The REACH registration dossier needs to be prepared using specific software known as IUCLID 5. This software is compatible with other chemical legislations around the world and uses a template developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OCED). Once this dossier is created, it needs to be submitted to ECHA using their portal known as REACH-IT.
What are the costs of a REACH Technical Dossier?
The REACH Technical Dossier fee is actually a REACH consultancy fee paid to consultants to advise and guide companies through the REACH registration process and in particular to compile and submit the dossier in IUCLID 5. The consulting fee covers the Substance Information Exchange Forum (SIEF) communications, all the data gathering and the comiling of the data into the IUCLID dossier.
What does CAPLINQ charge for this fee?
Many companies charge hourly fees for this service and then try to maximize the amount of time needed to complete this task. CAPLINQ is very familiar with the REACH technical dossier process and instead charge a single fixed fees with no hidden fees. In some cases, extra research may be required, but if this is the case, you will be advised already after the first free consultation.
Ask for a quotation for a REACH Technical Dossier submission
What other REACH Service does CAPLINQ offer?
CAPLINQ typically doesn't charge hourly fees. Rather we have distinct, REACH services.
REACH & SVHC Candidate List Testing
REACH and SVHC testing is done to determine if any Substances of High Concern are contained within your products.
The most recent ECHA SVHC List has 169 substances that have been considered as very high concern. Many customers ask there suppliers to sign a declaration that their products do not contain any substances on this list. CAPLINQ can give you a test report for your customers that shows that your products fo not contain any ingredients on this list.
Total SVHC Candidate List Testing - $995
On our complete SVHC testing price list we give suppliers an option to test for any one of these elements, or we can conduct a complete test that screens for all these elements for a fixed rate of $995.

CAPLINQ resources and services for REACH registration
CAPLINQ is your partner in REACH registrations. As a trusted ORO member with contacts to those who handle the technical dossiers, CAPLINQ is your best partner for REACH registrations.
CAPLINQ has been a REACH Only Representative since 2008, the year REACH was introduced in Europe. As such, our experts have their fingers on the pulse of REACH regulation.
REACH blogs
CAPLINQ hosts and maintain two primary sources of current news on REACH-related topics to help foreign and domestic suppliers stay current on REACH regulation activities.
- REACH Blog: An excellent source of latest news as it concerns REACH.
CAPLINQ offers three main REACH services:
- REACH Only Representation Services: Making foreign companies REACH-compliant
- REACH Safety Data Sheets: REACH-compliant safety datasheets translated in more than 25 languages.
- REACH Consulting: Advising companies on REACH compliance issues
Frequently Asked Questions about REACH Testing Services
Why does CAPLINQ not charge hourly rates for Technical Dossiers?
Our approach to REACH is very systematic. We know the expectations of ECHA and how much time it takes us to get stuff done. We believe that providing services instead of hourly fees helps serve our customers better.
We have substances which we need to have substance identification testing and sameness testing. Do you do this?
Yes. In order to do so, we will need the relevant substance identification profiles from the lead registrants. We will also request you the relevant CAS#. With this information, and samples of your substances, we can have the REACH Sameness testing performed in one of our labs.
What should I do if I see a company offering REACH OR for €99.
Run. Fly by the night operations that offer rates so low are only interested in your first payment. They won't be around when you actually need help. Also, these companies are not members of REACH ORO, so they will not be insured if and when they get liability damages.