REACH Safety Data Sheet (SDS) replace Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
REACH SDS replace MSDS but still contain most of the same basic information.
Foreign manufacturers often do not realize the importance of REACH-compliant Safety Data Sheets. Previously called Material Safety Data Sheets, these documents are required to even allow substances into many companies. Furthermore, within Europe, every company has the legal right to request and receive a REACH Safety Data Sheet in their official language.
Fortunately, CAPLINQ can produce and maintain the REACH Safety Data Sheets you require to ship your chemicals into Europe. The REACH safety data sheets CAPLINQ provides can be used not only in the USA and Europe, but in all regions of the world including the Americas, Europe and Asia. You can rest assured that the REACH safety data sheets produced by CAPLINQ are REACH-compliant, meaning that they are prepared according to the REACH regulations and comply with European REACH Regulation (EC1907/2006).
Safety Data Sheets under REACH
REACH is strict on the content, language and distribution of Safety Data Sheets. When chemical substances that appear on the SDS have been registered, "Exposure Scenarios" need to be included. This additional information is what determines the "Extended Safety Data Sheet".
Not all information needs to be included on the SDS
Though manufacturers often include all the chemical substances on the Safety Data Sheet, only chemical substances that are "classified" are required to be listed. CAPLINQ understands that the REACH SDS could contain information that its manufacturers would prefer not to disclose to the general public, and therefore includes the minimum amount of information to be completely REACH-compliant while not giving away company secrets.
Distribution of REACH Safety Data Sheets
When chemical substances are first provided to companies, SDS must be provided - free of charge - under REACH regulation. It is also required to be submitted to these same customers within 12 months if any updates are made to the SDS
It is not required that REACH SDS are published online or broadly available to the general public, though some companies do choose to do so. CAPLINQ has a filing and distribution system that ensures that all SDS are always REACH-compliant and up-to-date. We provide Safety Data Sheets in digital form, but always in a secured pdf format to prevent any unauthorized tampering.

REACH Safety Data Sheets for every region, Europe, Americas, Asia
CAPLINQ can ensure REACH compliance by providing Safety Data Sheets in any language for any region.
First the good news: It is possible to create one single REACH-compliant Safety Data Sheet for the entire world. Now the bad news: You don't want that.
Each region of the world has specific legal and regulatory requirements for their Safetly Data Sheets. For example in the United States, California Proposition 65 requires SDS's to include carcinogenic labels and warnings. If this same SDS were used in Germany, it is likely that the chemical substance would be blocked for use, as these warnings are used for chemical substances considered far more dangerous in Germany.
Region-specific REACH Safety Data Sheets
As explained, each region has their own peculiar REACH SDS requirements. Without even considering the Americas and Asia, even within Europe, there are slight differences between the requirements. One example of this France's requirement to identify the use of nano-particles in products imported into France. There are plenty of other examples that make foreign manufacturers reluctant to spend a lot of money to provide REACH-compliant Safety Data Sheets.
CAPLINQ is your partner in REACH Safety Data Sheets
CAPLINQ understands that companies wishing to import chemical substances into Europe would like to know if there is a market for their products before having a REACH SDS made for each reagion and in every language. To minimize the costs, CAPLINQ recommends making a single English-language REACH SDS that complies with German regulation.
This may seem like a strange concept, but it's actually quite simple. English is the most common second-language in Europe and Germans are very strict on receiving REACH-compliant Safety Data Sheets. By doing so, foreign companies can start by offering a single REACH-compliant SDS to their customers, and then as other customers start buying their products, they can justify having translations made in other languages.
What are REACH Compliant Safety Data Sheets?
REACH-compliant safety data sheets comply with regional, regulatory and language requirements.
REACH-Compliant Data Sheets translated into any language
From a single, master document, REACH SDSs can be translated inexpensively in any language.
As a REACH Only Representative, and a trusted REACH ORO member, CAPLINQ has a broad knowledge on chemical substances. As a trusted market partner, we understand that it's important to keep costs low while still complying with European REACH regulations. As such, CAPLINQ offers affordable REACH SDS translation services in any language.
Standard phrases and REACH SDS translations
Part of the "affordable" aspect of REACH SDS translations is to use standard phrases as much as possible. This isn't always possible, unfortunately, which is why it is important that you work with an expert when translating safety data sheets into other languages. Using mostly standard phrases allows CAPLINQ to keep one master document in English from which all the translated SDS are made.
Any language for REACH SDS Translation
CAPLINQ does not only rely on Safety Data Sheet authoring software, but also has staff that speaks every language in Europe. This ensures both the REACH-compliant aspect of the Safety Data Sheets and also ensures that the proper terminology is used in their translations.

How much do REACH Safety Data Sheets cost?
CAPLINQ's holistics approach to REACH services allows very competitive rates for REACH-compliant Safety Data Sheets
All new suppliers need to be set up in our system. While setting up suppliers, we understand how many and what types of chemical substances they produce. This helps us give a tailored quotation for REACH-compliant safety data sheets.
What do I need to budget for REACH-compliant SDS's?
The costs of the SDS is made up of the following elements:
- One time organizational database setup costs
- One-time entry fee for classified substances
- One-time entry fee for non-classified substances
- Fee per REACH master SDS in English for EU
- Translation fee per EU language
What other REACH Services does CAPLINQ offer?
CAPLINQ typically doesn't charge hourly fees. Rather we have distinct, REACH services.

CAPLINQ resources and services for REACH registration
CAPLINQ is your partner in REACH registrations. As a trusted ORO member with contacts to those who handle the technical dossiers, CAPLINQ is your best partner for REACH registrations.
CAPLINQ has been a REACH Only Representative since 2008, the year REACH was introduced in Europe. As such, our experts have their fingers on the pulse of REACH regulation.
REACH blogs
CAPLINQ hosts and maintain two primary sources of current news on REACH-related topics to help foreign and domestic suppliers stay current on REACH regulation activities.
- REACH Blog: An excellent source of latest news as it concerns REACH.
CAPLINQ offers three main REACH services:
- REACH Only Representation Services: Making foreign companies REACH-compliant
- REACH Safety Data Sheets: REACH-compliant safety datasheets translated in more than 25 languages.
- REACH Testing: REACH, RoHs & SVHC Testing and Laboratory Services
Frequently Asked Questions about REACH Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Who is responsible for the REACH SDS?
Ultimately, the foreign supplier is responsible for the REACH SDS. REACH Only Representatives and SDS Authoring companies, can only be responsible for the information provided to them by the foreign manufacturer.
Do I need to supply a REACH Safety Data Sheet in my customer's language?
Yes and No. All European customers have the right to request a REACH SDS in their country's native language. In practice, we normally produce a single one in English for all of Europe and then encourage customers to accept this, which they are legally allowed to do. If these customers do insist on a translated SDS, manufacturers must provide one, or simply refuse to supply the chemical substance.