MVCF-4S50K | LINQSTAT 4mil - 50,000 Ω/sq Conductive Film

Harmonization Code : 3920.10.28.99 |   Polymers of Ethylene Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil, Tape, or Strips (Non-cellular), having a thickness not exceeding 0.125mm, having a specific gravity of 0.94 or more
Main features
  • 4 mil - 100um - 0.1mm
  • ±50,000 ohms/sq Surface resistivity
  • ±TBD ohms Volume resistivity

Product Description

LINQSTAT MVCF-4S50K is a black, carbon-filled, electrically conductive polyethylene plastic film designed to provide both physical and static protection. Having a surface resistivity below 5 x 104 Ω/sq it offers medium-level static protection which means it effectively avoids accumulation of electric charge on itself and the products which it protects. Its easy-grounding nature makes it ideal for packaging where electrostatic contamination is a problem. Please keep in mind that 50,000 ohms/sq is not an absolute value by any means. These are not meant to be highly controlled sheets as reflected on their price range. The guaranteed property is that it is going to be around 50,000ohms/sq with a ±10-20k tolerance.

MVCF-4S50K is useful in applications where the key is to balance cost versus performance. As a medium-level conductive plastic, the carbon-loading is such that it is low-enough to be cost effective, while being high enough to meet the electrical requirements of military specification MIL-PRF-81705D Type II and MIL-P-82646A. Please note that  Linqstat  MVCF-4S50K is surface conductive and the volume conductivity needs to be retested.

MVCF-4S50K plastic film and its conductivity are unaffected by humidity and age. The film is heat sealable, flexible and offers exceptional abrasion resistance. To add to that, it exhibits good thermal stability and has outstanding chemical resistance. It is available in 4 mil (0.1mm). Other thicknesses can be available upon request. Additionally, the film has been proven to be highly UV resistant, absorbing UV radiation at 365 nm up to 100%.

Product Family
910 mm
46 m 1 m
Normal Price
Sale Price
Quantity OrderedPrice per Sheet
  1 - 4 Sheet  $5.00 /Sheet
Shipping in 8 - 12 weeks Shipping in 8 - 12 weeks In stock


Technical Specifications

General Properties
Chemistry Type Carbon-Loaded PE
The color
Density (g) 1 g/cm3
Film Thickness 0.1 mm
Specific Gravity
Specific Gravity
Specific gravity (SG) is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference substance; equivalently, it is the ratio of the mass of a substance to the mass of a reference substance for the same given volume.

For liquids, the reference substance is almost always water (1), while for gases, it is air (1.18) at room temperature. Specific gravity is unitless.
Mechanical Properties
Elongation is the process of lengthening something.

It is a percentage that measures the initial, unstressed, length compared to the length of the material right before it breaks.

It is commonly referred to as Ultimate Elongation or Tensile Elongation at break.
340 %
Tensile Strength
Tensile Strength
The tensile strength of a material is the maximum amount of tensile stress that it can withstand while being stretched or pulled before failure.

Some materials break very sharply, without plastic deformation, in what is called a brittle failure. Others, which are more ductile, including most metals, experience some plastic deformation and possibly necking before fracture.
Tensile Strength
Tensile Strength
Tensile strength determines the resistance of a material to break under tension and it measures how much elongating load (or tensile stress) it can handle before fracture.

To make it simple, it measures how much force we have to apply when pulling apart a material before it breaks.
24.5 MPa
Electrical Properties
Surface Resistivity 50000 Ohms/sq
Thermal Properties
Melting Temperature
Melting temperature 115 - 130 °C
Thermal Conductivity
Thermal Conductivity
Thermal conductivity describes the ability of a material to conduct heat. It is required by power packages in order to dissipate heat and maintain stable electrical performance.

Thermal conductivity units are [W/(m K)] in the SI system and [Btu/(hr ft °F)] in the Imperial system.
0.053 W/m.K
Other Properties
RoHS Compliant
RoHS Compliant
RoHS is a product level compliance based on a European Union Directive which restricts the Use of certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS).

Products compliant with this directive do not exceed the allowable amounts of the following restricted materials: lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), with some limited exemptions

Additional Information

In sheet form, the conductive polyethylene is used as a weak pressure sensor making it useful for applications that have large surface areas and expect large pressure applications. For more sensitive pressure sensor applications, CAPLINQ recommends LINQSTAT XVCF-Series, which is a more conductive series of polyethylene plastics.

As an antistatic packaging plastic, it is also used as an antistatic interleaver for Smartcard (micromodule) applications to separate subsequent layers of smartcard chips in micromodule production. It’s antistatic properties make the Linqstat MVCF series films also well suited for EMI and RF shielding applications.

Product Applications

  • EMI/RF Shielding
  • Large Pressure Sensors
  • Faraday Cages

Product Features and Benefits

  • Black Opaque - Printable
  • Provides Anti-Static protection to electronics components
  • Groundable
  • Humidity independent conductivity
  • Meets military specification MIL-P-82646A

Chemical Susceptibility

  • Methanol: Resistant
  • Ethanol: Resistant
  • Isopropanol: Resistant
  • Weak Acids: Resistant
  • Ketones (Acetone): Slow Attack
  • Weak Alkalines: Slow Attack
  • Hydrocarbons: Non-Resistant


We have recently changed our SKUS. To help you search for them either on google or on our website here's a before and after table. As you can see we went for the "Product codes that make sense" approach:

MVCF-40012BT50KS/2 MVCF-4S50K/B30CM-46M 30cm wide x 46m long
MVCF-40036BT50KS/2 MVCF-4S50K/B91CM-46M 91cm wide x 46m long
MVCF-40012BT50KS/2A MVCF-4S50K/H30CM-46M 30cm wide x 46m long
MVCF-40036BT50KS/mA MVCF-4S50K/H91CM-1M 91cm wide x 1m long
MVCF-40036BT50KS/2A MVCF-4S50K/H91CM-46M 91cm wide x 46m long