Harmonization Code : 3506.10.00.00 |   Prepared glues and other prepared adhesives, not elsewhere specified or included; products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, put up for retail sale as glues or adhesives, not exceeding a net weight of 1 kg
Main features
  • Non conductive
  • Hydrophobic
  • Skip Cure

Product Description

LOCTITE ABLESTIK QMI550 non conductive die attach paste was designed to attach integrated circuits and components to advanced substrates. It is an off white, fluoropolymer filled, BMI hybrid that is stable at high temperatures.

LOCTITE ABLESTIK QMI550 has excellent interfacial adhesion strength and cohesive strength with great dielectric properties. It is designed for PBGA, CSP, array packages and die stacking substrates and works great with Solder masks, BT, FR, Polyimide, Au and other organic surfaces. Due to its higher modulus and soft PTFE filler, it can be used for small 1x1 die, specifically for small die stacking and sensor die attach.

Skip Cure

  • ≥10 seconds @ 150°C
Product Family
5cc in 10cc Syringe

Catalog Product

Unlike other products we offer, the products listed on this page cannot currently be ordered directly from the website.
Shipping in 8 - 12 weeks Shipping in 8 - 12 weeks Shipping in 8 - 12 weeks

Technical Specifications

General Properties
Curing Schedule
Curing Schedule
Curing schedule is the time and temperature required for a mixed material to fully cure. While this applies to materials that cure with heat, there are also other materials that can be cured with UV.

Even though some materials can cure on ambient temperatures, others will require elevated temperature conditions to properly cure.

There are various curing schedules depending on the material type and application. For heat curing, the most common ones are Snap cure, Low temperature cure, Step cure and Staged cure.

Recommended cure type, schedule, time and temperature can always be found on the Technical data sheets.
Cure Type Skip cure
Pot Life
Pot Life
Pot life is the amount of time it takes for the viscosity of a material to double (or quadruple for lower viscosity materials) in room temperature after a material is mixed.

It is closely related to work life but it is not application dependent, less precise and more of a general indication of how fast a system is going to cure.
24 hours
Specific Gravity
Specific Gravity
Specific gravity (SG) is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference substance; equivalently, it is the ratio of the mass of a substance to the mass of a reference substance for the same given volume.

For liquids, the reference substance is almost always water (1), while for gases, it is air (1.18) at room temperature. Specific gravity is unitless.
Shelf Life
Shelf Life
Shelf life is the amount of time after manufacturing that a product is guaranteed to retain its properties.

It differs vastly per product and it is based on temperature and storage conditions.

The properties can be guaranteed for the temperature and time range indicated on the TDS since those are the ones tested to be the best for the product.
Shelf Life @ -40°C 365 days
Physical Properties
Thixotropic index
Thixotropic index
Thixotropic Index is a ratio of a material s viscosity at two different speeds in Ambient temperature, generally different by a factor of ten.

A thixotropic material s viscosity will decrease as agitation or pressure is increased. It indicates the capability of a material to hold its shape. Mayonnaise is a great example of this. It holds its shape very well, but when a shear stress is applied, the material easily spreads.

It helps in choosing a material in accordance to the application, dispense method and viscosity of a material.
Viscosity is a measurement of a fluid’s resistance to flow.

Viscosity is commonly measured in centiPoise (cP). One cP is defined as
the viscosity of water and all other viscosities are derived from this base. MPa is another common unit with a 1:1 conversion to cP.

A product like honey would have a much higher viscosity -around 10,000 cPs-
compared to water. As a result, honey would flow much slower out of a tipped glass than
water would.

The viscosity of a material can be decreased with an increase in temperature in
order to better suit an application
11,500 mPa.s
Chemical Properties
Ionic Content
Chloride (Cl-)
Chloride (Cl-)
The amount of Chloride (Cl-) ion extracted from the product in parts per million (ppm)
20 ppm
Potassium (K+)
Potassium (K+)
The amount of Potassium (K+) ion extracted from the product in parts per million (ppm)
20 ppm
Sodium (Na+)
Sodium (Na+)
The amount of Sodium (Na+) ion extracted from the product in parts per million (ppm)
20 ppm
Moisture absorption 0.29 %
Mechanical Properties
Shear strength
Shear Strength @25°C 10.1 N/mm2
Tensile Modulus
Tensile Modulus
Tensile modulus is a mechanical property that measures the stiffness of an elastic material. It is the slope of stress / strain curve of a material under direct tensile loading.

It can be used to predict the elongation or elastic deformation of an object as long as the stress is less than the tensile strength of the material. Elastic deformation is caused by stretching the bonds between atoms and the deformation can be reversed when the load is removed.

Tensile modulus is affected by temperature and is an important engineering attribute since we generally want to keep elastic deformation as small as possible.
Tensile Modulus @-65°C 2300 N/mm2
Tensile Modulus @150°C 270 N/mm2
Tensile Modulus @25°C 1000 N/mm2
Tensile Modulus @250°C 205 N/mm2
Thermal Properties
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE)
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE)
CTE (Coefficient of thermal expansion) is a material property that is indicative of the extent to which a material expands with a change in temperature. This can be a change in length, area or volume, depending on the material.

Knowing the CTE of the layers is helpful in analyzing stresses that might occur when a
system consists of an adhesive plus some other solid component.
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE), α1
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE), α1
CTE α1 (alpha 1) is the slope of the Coefficient of thermal expansion in a temperature range below the Glass transition temperature (Tg).

It explains how much a material will expand until it reaches Tg.
91 ppm/°C
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE), α2
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE), α2
CTE α2 (alpha 2) is the slope of the Coefficient of thermal expansion in a temperature range above the Glass transition temperature (Tg).

It explains the extent to which a material will expand after it passes Tg.
150 ppm/°C
Glass Transition Temperature (Tg)
Glass Transition Temperature (Tg)
The glass transition temperature for organic adhesives is a temperature region where the polymers change from glassy and brittle to soft and rubbery. Increasing the temperature further continues the softening process as the viscosity drops too. Temperatures between the glass transition temperature and below the decomposition point of the adhesive are the best region for bonding.

The glass-transition temperature Tg of a material characterizes the range of temperatures over which this glass transition occurs.
-10 °C
Thermal Conductivity
Thermal Conductivity
Thermal conductivity describes the ability of a material to conduct heat. It is required by power packages in order to dissipate heat and maintain stable electrical performance.

Thermal conductivity units are [W/(m K)] in the SI system and [Btu/(hr ft °F)] in the Imperial system.
0.3 W/m.K

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