MCL-T11 | Melamine Transfer Cleaning Pellets

Main features
  • 3.6% Formaldehyde
  • Transfer Grade
  • Designed for EMC

Product Description

MCL-T11 is a transfer-type melamine mold cleaning pellet designed for cleaning transfer molding equipment and epoxy molds. This melamine based cleaner is specially designed for cleaning Epoxy mold compound (EMC) residue from Packaging molds used for the encapsulation of semiconductors and IC packaging. It is a proven and widely used mold cleaning material that has been used in the industry for more than 20 years.

MCL-T11 has excellent cleaning abilities with a melamine resin system the exhibits high adhesive strength and assists in capturing the stains and residues from the molding equipment. It's improved workability and excellent cleaning performance reduces the total cleaning time and makes it a great drop in solution for transfer cleaning processes.

Product Family
14 mm
7 gr
10 kg

No longer available

This product is no longer available or will become obsolete soon. Please contact us so we can recommend an alternative product.

Technical Specifications

General Properties
Appearance at room temperature.
Density (g) 1.3 g/cm3
Specific Gravity
Specific Gravity
Specific gravity (SG) is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference substance; equivalently, it is the ratio of the mass of a substance to the mass of a reference substance for the same given volume.

For liquids, the reference substance is almost always water (1), while for gases, it is air (1.18) at room temperature. Specific gravity is unitless.
Physical Properties
Spiral Flow @ 175°C 76 cm
Mechanical Properties
Hardness is a dimensionless quantity. There is no direct relationship between measurements in one scale and their equivalent in another scale or another hardness test.
Durometer (Shore D) 70
Thermal Properties
Gel Time
Gel Time
Gel time is the time it takes for a material to reach such a high viscosity (gel like) that it is no longer workable.

It is usually measured for different temperature conditions and even though it does not refer to full cure it is advisable to never move or manipulate the material after it reached its gel time since it can lose its desired end properties.
Gel Time @ 160°C / 320°F 30 - 50 sec
Curing Conditions
Curing Schedule
Curing Schedule
Curing schedule is the time and temperature required for a mixed material to fully cure. While this applies to materials that cure with heat, there are also other materials that can be cured with UV.

Even though some materials can cure on ambient temperatures, others will require elevated temperature conditions to properly cure.

There are various curing schedules depending on the material type and application. For heat curing, the most common ones are Snap cure, Low temperature cure, Step cure and Staged cure.

Recommended cure type, schedule, time and temperature can always be found on the Technical data sheets.
Cure Time 1.5-4 min
Mold Temperature 160-190 °C
Transfer Time 7-15 s

Additional Information

Where does this fit in the cleaning and conditioning process?

Cleaning with melamine transfer compounds can be introduces in multiple steps of the cleaning process. Of course every factory has their own process so you will adjust accordingly.

  1. Remove mold stains, and recover the cleanliness of mold die surface 
  2. Decompose mold stains, by the effects of dissolving, wrapping and grinding 
  3. Reduce the adhesion of mold stain to metal surface, by cleaning agents
  4. Wrap and remove mold stains by polymer cross linking at high temperature Cleaning
  5. Recover the release ability of mold die for molding compounds
  6. Spread a thin and lasting layer of releasing agent (wax)


Storage conditions

MCL T11 Melamine Cleaning tablets have a shelf life of 12 months if they are stored in a cooled environment.

Work life is 4 days after taking them out of storage.


Package types

Pellet Diameter Big: 40, 48, 55
  Small: 13, 14, 16, 18, 20
Pellet Weight Big: 50-90gr
  Small: 2 - 15gr

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