MH6-0510 Epoxy Mold Compound

Harmonization Code : 3907.30.00.90 |   Polyacetals, other polyethers and epoxide resins, in primary forms; polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl esters and other polyesters, in primary forms : Epoxide resins : Other
Main features
  • Epoxy mold compound
  • Transfer molding
  • Class B (130°C)

Product Description

Very tough, high thermal shock epoxy mold compound for solenoids, coil bobbins, and transformers

MH6-0510 is very tough epoxy mold compound with excellent thermal shock and themal cycle resistance. MH6-0510 is UL-listed and is used on solenoid valves that have a Class H rating, meaning that the compound can be used for applications with an operating temperature up to 180°C. MH6-0510 is an industry-proven product, used on literally millions of solenoid valves for more than 20 years. A black-color version is available as MH6-0504.

Main Applications

  • Solenoid Valves
  • Coil Bobbins
  • Transformers

Product Features & Benefits:

  • Very tough epoxy mold compound
  • Extremely thermal shock and thermal cycle resistant
  • UL-listed
  • Used on Class H rated devices with an operating temperature up to 180°C
  • Extremely color stable

For applications up to 180°C, MH6-0510 is a proven industry leader for solenoid coils, power transformers, coil bobbins, and other high voltage applications requiring excellent electrical insulation.

Product Part Number
PF1886-C08A2 Pellet size: 70MM x 162G
1. Selected Product FormPelletx
70MM x 162G mm

Catalog Product

Unlike other products we offer, the products listed on this page cannot currently be ordered directly from the website.

No longer available

This product is no longer available or will become obsolete soon. Please contact us so we can recommend an alternative product.

Technical Specifications

General Properties
Process Method Transfer Molding
Thermal Properties
UL 94 Rating
UL 94 Rating
Flammability rating classification.
It determines how fast a material burns or extinguishes once it is ignited.

HB: slow burning on a horizontal specimen; burning rate less than 76 mm/min for thickness less than 3 mm or burning stops before 100 mm
V-2: burning stops within 30 seconds on a vertical specimen; drips of flaming particles are allowed.
V-1: burning stops within 30 seconds on a vertical specimen; drips of particles allowed as long as they are not inflamed.
V-0: burning stops within 10 seconds on a vertical specimen; drips of particles allowed as long as they are not inflamed.
5VB: burning stops within 60 seconds on a vertical specimen; no drips allowed; plaque specimens may develop a hole.
5VA: burning stops within 60 seconds on a vertical specimen; no drips allowed; plaque specimens may not develop a hole
Class B (130°C)
Other Properties
RoHS Compliant
RoHS Compliant
RoHS is a product level compliance based on a European Union Directive which restricts the Use of certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS).

Products compliant with this directive do not exceed the allowable amounts of the following restricted materials: lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), with some limited exemptions

Additional Information

Pricing & Availability

Pricing for {product_seo_name}

Pricing and Volume Price Breaks for MH6-0510 Epoxy Mold Compound are available by contacting us. You cannot order this product directly online.

CAPLINQ lists all its prices without taxes, shipping payment charges or discounts. CAPLINQ has warehouses and ships from both Canada and the Netherlands, and if your shipping address is one of these two countries, applicable taxes will be applied.

If your shipping address is to the United States, we request your company’s Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Tax Identification Number (TIN). This is a unique 9-digit number assigned by the IRS and is required for all cross-border shipments. Failure to provide this number could result in delays to your order.

If your shipping address is within the EU, but outside the Netherlands, then we are required to request your company's Value Added Tax (VAT, BTW, MwSt) number to be able to ship the goods tax-free. For all other countries, no taxes are levied on your orders.

DON'T LIKE THESE PRICES? Tell us what you will pay for what order quantity, and our customer service team will get back tou you within 24 hours with a reply..

Minimum Order Quantity for MH6-0510 Epoxy Mold Compound

The minimum order quantity for this package size is (s).

Shipping Charges for MH6-0510 Epoxy Mold Compound

All prices shown are ex-works CAPLINQ, but during the checkout process, you will be given several shipping options including Canada Post, TNT, UPS or the choice of using your own freight forwarder. Depending on your shipping address, the shipping charges will be calculated as follows:

  • Europe, Middle East, Asia and Africa: Shipping from CAPLINQ Europe BV (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
  • Canada, USA, Mexico and South America: Shipping from CAPLINQ Corporation (Ottawa, Canada)

Payment option for MH6-0510 Epoxy Mold Compound

During the checkout process, you will be presented with several payment options including:

  • Credit Card (We accept VISA and Mastercard)
  • Bank Transfer (You will be given the payment instructions at the time of order placement)
  • PayPal (Where you can also pay with American Express Cards)
  • Purchase Order (You must be preapproved first. See our Online Credit Application)

Availability for MH6-0510 Epoxy Mold Compound

To the right of the product is a small icon that lets you know the availability and leadtime of the product. This leadtime is the time to ship the product and delivery times vary based on the method of delivery you select at the time you place your order.

Contact us if anything is unclear or you need more assistance.

Technical Specifications

Short Description of MH6-0510 Epoxy Mold Compound

Typical applications and uses of MH6-0510 Epoxy Mold Compound include:

  • Electrical Insulation
  • Motor Irons
  • Bus Bars

Technical Datasheets for MH6-0510 Epoxy Mold Compound

TDS (English) Kapton_Technical_Data_Sheet Click to access MH6-0510 Epoxy Mold Compound Technical Data Sheet
*Note that only registered users may access technical datasheets

Competitive Crossovers

Compare price and quality of MH6-0510 Epoxy Mold Compound to these other brands
Popular Brand1
  • Pelnox PCE-282

Very tough, high thermal shock epoxy mold compound for solenoids, coil bobbins, and transformers

MH6-0510 is very tough epoxy mold compound with excellent thermal shock and themal cycle resistance. MH6-0510 is UL-listed and is used on solenoid valves that have a Class H rating, meaning that the compound can be used for applications with an operating temperature up to 180°C. MH6-0510 is an industry-proven product, used on literally millions of solenoid valves for more than 20 years. A black-color version is available as MH6-0504.

Main Applications

  • Solenoid Valves
  • Coil Bobbins
  • Transformers

Product Features & Benefits:

  • Very tough epoxy mold compound
  • Extremely thermal shock and thermal cycle resistant
  • UL-listed
  • Used on Class H rated devices with an operating temperature up to 180°C
  • Extremely color stable

For applications up to 180°C, MH6-0510 is a proven industry leader for solenoid coils, power transformers, coil bobbins, and other high voltage applications requiring excellent electrical insulation.

  • MH6-0510 Epoxy Mold Compound

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Packaging Details

Packaging Details for MH6-0510 Epoxy Mold Compound

The following information is specifically related to each unit of measure of MH6-0510 Epoxy Mold Compound. If you which to compare this to other product sizes, click on the respective product from the list above and check here for values specific to that product. These values are taken from our internal database and are used in the calculation of the gross weight and packaging dimensions of the goods during shipping. You can use these values to to approximate delivery charges using your own carrier.

Each unit of MH6-0510 Epoxy Mold Compound has the following:

  • Unit of Measurement:
  • Dimensions (length x width x height): 0 x 0 x 0
  • Weight:

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