OPTOLINQ TMC-2100| Transparent Mold Compound

Harmonization Code : 3907.30.00.40 |   Epoxy Mold Compounds containing by weight more than 70 % silicon dioxide
Main features
  • Exceptional moldability with long spiral flow
  • Low moisture absorption
  • Excellent reliability

Product Description

OPTOLINQ TMC-2100 is an optically clear epoxy molding compound specifically designed for the encapsulation of optoelectronic devices. With its high spiral flow, it ensures precise and intricate molding.

OPTOLINQ TMC-2100 offers excellent moisture resistance, maintaining performance even in high temperature and humidity conditions. TMC-2100 stands out with its superior moldability and reliability, ensuring good quality and precision in optoelectronic device molding.

OPTOLINQTM TMC-2100IR is an optically clear epoxy molding compound specifically designed for the encapsulation of applications that require infrared transparency. With its large spiral flow, it ensures precise and intricate molding. TMC-2100IR exhibits a low moisture absorption and high moisture resistance maintaining performance in high temperature and humidity conditions. 

Key Features

  • High IR Transparency
  • Low moisture absorption and high moisture resistance
  • Reliable performance in high temperature and high humidity conditions
  • High adhesion strength and low stress


Available Versions

  • OPTOLINQ TMC-2100IR (High IR Transparency)
Product Family

Catalog Product

Unlike other products we offer, the products listed on this page cannot currently be ordered directly from the website.

Technical Specifications

General Properties
The color
Specific Gravity
Specific Gravity
Specific gravity (SG) is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference substance; equivalently, it is the ratio of the mass of a substance to the mass of a reference substance for the same given volume.

For liquids, the reference substance is almost always water (1), while for gases, it is air (1.18) at room temperature. Specific gravity is unitless.
Physical Properties
Spiral Flow @ 175°C 80-180 cm
Mechanical Properties
Hardness is a dimensionless quantity. There is no direct relationship between measurements in one scale and their equivalent in another scale or another hardness test.
Durometer (Shore D) 80
Flexural Modulus
Flexural Modulus @ 25°C 3400 N/mm2
Flexural Strength
Flexural Strength @ 25°C
Flexural Strength @ 25°C
Flexural strength, also known as modulus of rupture, or bend strength, or transverse rupture strength is a material property, defined as the stress in a material just before it yields in a flexure test. This is the flexural strength tested at Room Temperature, 25°C
110 N/mm2
Thermal Properties
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE)
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE)
CTE (Coefficient of thermal expansion) is a material property that is indicative of the extent to which a material expands with a change in temperature. This can be a change in length, area or volume, depending on the material.

Knowing the CTE of the layers is helpful in analyzing stresses that might occur when a
system consists of an adhesive plus some other solid component.
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE), α1
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE), α1
CTE α1 (alpha 1) is the slope of the Coefficient of thermal expansion in a temperature range below the Glass transition temperature (Tg).

It explains how much a material will expand until it reaches Tg.
60-100 ppm/°C
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE), α2
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE), α2
CTE α2 (alpha 2) is the slope of the Coefficient of thermal expansion in a temperature range above the Glass transition temperature (Tg).

It explains the extent to which a material will expand after it passes Tg.
170-210 ppm/°C
Gel Time
Gel Time
Gel time is the time it takes for a material to reach such a high viscosity (gel like) that it is no longer workable.

It is usually measured for different temperature conditions and even though it does not refer to full cure it is advisable to never move or manipulate the material after it reached its gel time since it can lose its desired end properties.
Gel Time @ 160°C / 320°F 35-60 sec
Glass Transition Temperature (Tg)
Glass Transition Temperature (Tg)
The glass transition temperature for organic adhesives is a temperature region where the polymers change from glassy and brittle to soft and rubbery. Increasing the temperature further continues the softening process as the viscosity drops too. Temperatures between the glass transition temperature and below the decomposition point of the adhesive are the best region for bonding.

The glass-transition temperature Tg of a material characterizes the range of temperatures over which this glass transition occurs.
110-130 °C
Curing Conditions
Curing Schedule
Curing Schedule
Curing schedule is the time and temperature required for a mixed material to fully cure. While this applies to materials that cure with heat, there are also other materials that can be cured with UV.

Even though some materials can cure on ambient temperatures, others will require elevated temperature conditions to properly cure.

There are various curing schedules depending on the material type and application. For heat curing, the most common ones are Snap cure, Low temperature cure, Step cure and Staged cure.

Recommended cure type, schedule, time and temperature can always be found on the Technical data sheets.
Preheat Temperature 75-95 °C
Transfer Pressure 3-8 kg/cm2

Additional Information





Specific gravity


Hardness at 25 °C


Shore D

Gel time at 150 °C



Spiral flow at 150 °C



Mold shrinkage



Glass transition temperature by TMA



Coefficient of thermal expansion, α1



Coefficient of thermal expansion, α2



Flexural strength



Flexural modulus



Transmittance at 400 nm




OPTOLINQ TMC-2100 | Optically Clear Molding Compound

TMC-2100 is developed to exhibit robust optical performance, TMC-2100IR a high IR transparent version designed for applications operating above the visible light spectrum.

OPTOLINQ TMC-2100IR | Optically Clear Molding Compound

TMC-2100IR boasts its blended chemistry system to improve IR transparency through refractive index matching and IR-transparent fillers. The transmittance shown is measured at 2 mm thick sample and will exhibit higher transmittance at a thinner samples and packages. 

Inspected specimens are 1 mm thick sample cured in mold for 4 minutes at 150°C and post cured for 4 hours at 150°C. 
Inspected specimens are 2 mm thick sample cured in mold for 4 minutes at 150°C and post cured for 4 hours at 150°C.